Krootman's Limited Edition 12 Cable Kit for X12 Octominer with CMP 100-210 or 170hx GPU
In partnership with Youtuber Kr00tman we made these limited edition green and black cable set.
6 pin PCI to 8 pin EPS.
16 AWG UL 1007 wire.
These fit the 5 or 4 fan Octominer cases.
Eliminates Y splitter on CMP100-210 or 170hx GPUs allowing direct connection.
Cable lengths are as follows.
1. 78 CM (30.7 Inch)
2. 73 CM (28.7 Inch)
3. 66 CM (25.9 Inch)
4. 61 CM (24 Inch)
5. 61 CM (24 Inch)
6. 54 CM (21.25 Inch)
7. 48 CM (18.9 Inch)
8. 43 CM (16.9 Inch)
9. 43 CM (16.9 Inch)
10. 38 CM (14.9 Inch)
11. 29 CM (11.4 Inch)
12. 21 CM (8.2 Inch)